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Gambling Tutorials

Online Gambling is mostly about luck or is it?  Even though it is called gambling for a reason, there are tips and tricks to help you make an actual profit from gambling. This is beccause in order to increase your chance of making a profit, players needs strategies and basic knowledge of each game. In addition, knowning the gambling software you are using and will also increase your odds of winning. This is where our Online Gambling Tutorials can help.

If you want to learn how to bet on sports, play casino games, poker or anything else to that relates to gambling, you have found the right place!

Learn How to Gambling with these Tutorials

Make More Money in Your Sportsbook with College Sports

ncaammMany new bookies are quick to dismiss college sports in their sportsbooks. They think that since it is basically still amateur sports, there is little demand for it. However, college sports in the US is a totally different thing. In fact, college basketball and college football are in demand and very popular. These two tournaments are in the top 5 most popular sports leagues that people bet on. 

In fact, when you start a pay per head bookie operation, you will automatically get access to hundreds of betting options on collegiate sports. Which is why it is very smart to make more money in your sportsbook with college sports betting. 

Read more: Make More Money in Your Sportsbook...

Pay Per Head Rules You Should Know

Pay Per Head Rules You Should KnowThere has been an explosive increase in sports betting interest in the last several years, prompted primarily by Daily Fantasy Sports and the steady legalization of sportsbooks by states. Advances in online technology have also contributed to the rise in access to sports wagering websites.

As interest has risen, the negative stigma around the sports betting industry has diminished, even to the point of sports leagues embracing the practice. As recently as five years ago, they made every effort possible to distance themselves from any involvement with gambling. The NFL and NBA especially maintained that it could seriously impact their competitive integrity.

Now, they are scrambling to formalize partnerships with major sportsbooks and are even going as far as showing odds on their websites. The PGA Tour and NBC Sports have hooked up with PointsBet to simulcast live wagering on the NBC’s Peacock streaming service during golf telecasts.

Read more: Pay Per Head Rules You Should Know

What Can You Wager on In the NBA All-Star Game?

jc gellidon XmYSlYrupL8 unsplash 1Betting on sports is a great way to win money, especially if you are good at it. However, another way you can earn, is to be a bookie and be the one to offer gaming services to your own set of clients, or players. One of the most popular sports leagues in sportsbooks from around the world is the NBA. Betting on the top professional basketball league is extremely popular, and bookies earn a lot throughout the season, even with special events like the All-Star Game.

So what exactly can you bet on in the All-Star game? This event has no connection to rankings on the regular season, but it does come with a lot of events that fans can bet on. Let’s find out the different types of bets that you can bet on in the NBA All-Star. Or, if you can learn how to be a bookie the fast and easy way, then you can earn more by starting your own sportsbook.

Read more: What Can You Wager on In the NBA...

Live Casino for Your Customers

Live casino software is something that every bookie must have in their arsenal. We get a lot of questions from many local bookies that have the desire to pump up their business and earn big profits. After all, this is the bookie business, and aren’t bookies supposed to earn big money?

Ha, we have to laugh at our statement here… Possibly this is one of the biggest misnomers that you will ever hear in connection to the gaming business. You can earn big money if you position yourself correctly and gather the right tools for the job.

The Casino Vs. The Sportsbook

  • Bookies often get the idea that the sportsbook is the only gaming genre they should have. They may think they can better focus their time on the book and their players if they are not involved in other things. This is a fallacy, it’s a huge mistake to think this way.

Read more: Live Casino for Your Customers

Bookies Should Pay Attention to the Details

Bookies Should Pay Attention to the DetailsA great sports betting platform for bookies is something that every bookie needs and wants if earning a great income is a priority. You must be online if you want to be effective and most of all if you want to keep your clients.

There is a mountain of competition out there and your clients know who they are, where they are, and they can be playing on that competition in less than five minutes. Your clients want to be loyal to you, but they are struggling.

What do you have to offer as a local bookie? Probably a few daily side bets and you are most likely offering the spread, the money line, and the totals. This is probably the end of the road as to what you can reasonably offer as a local booking agent and as one person.

Read more: Bookies Should Pay Attention to the...

Why You Should Offer Prop Betting

offer prop bettingSports wagering has become more prevalent in recent years. Thus, independent sportsbooks had to compete against significant sports betting brands. If you own a bookie business, you should offer prop betting. That is one way to attract players to your sportsbook.

Although most players prefer common types of wagers, such as money line, totals, and point spread, casual players love wagering on prop bets or exotics. When you offer prop betting, you are going to get players who are wagering for fun.

Offer Prop Betting

What is a prop bet? In layman’s terms, it is a wager type that is uncommon. Horserace bookies came up with the term exotics when bettors were wagering on ponies. Today, prop bets are one of the most popular exotic betting types in sports wagering.

Read more: Why You Should Offer Prop Betting

What Should You Be Looking for in a Software Suite?

Sports Betting Software Features ExplainedToday, we’re going to analyze what you should be looking for in a sports betting software suite.

To start, it’s important to understand that not all sports betting software is equal. Some have a lot of features, while others are barebones and have ceased development/updates.

When you start a sports betting business, you want to utilize the best technology. Budget is also a concern for bookies, but pay per head (PPH) companies have made leasing software affordable.

Read more: What Should You Be Looking for in a...


  • NFL Betting Tutorials
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  • Basketball Betting Tutorials
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  • Sports Betting Tutorials

    Sports betting tutorialsSports betting is a type of gambling but it does not mean you have to gamble your money needlessly. This is because online sports wagering is also about skills, researchand having a betting strategy. In addition, to increase your sports betting winnings, a bettor must also know where to bet on sports to help them increase their betting bankroll.

    Our Online Sports Betting Tutorials are made by by professional sports handicappers to do just that. We have a variety of sports gamblign tutorials for amateurs and professional bettors. Each online wagering tutorials will delve into different topics like finding the best sports betting software to finding the best sports betting odds and much more!

    Read Our Latest Online Sports Betting Tutorials


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  • Horse Betting Tutorials
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  • Baseball Betting Tutorials

    Learn How to Bet on Baseball with these Baseball Bettin Tutorials

    Learn everything there is to know about betting on baseball with these helpful betting tutorials from our baseball handicappers. Whether you are betting with a Bookie PPH or at a physical sportsbooks, these tips and strategies will help increase your baseball gambling profits.

    Whether you are betting on the MLB or any other baseball leagues, these baseball betting tutorials will help!


    Bookie Pay Per Head Service

    Improve Your Baseball Betting Profits with these Baseball Betting Tutorials

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  • Casino Tutorials

    Learn everything there is to know about playing online casino games.

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  • Bookie Tutorials

    Learn how to be a bookie and open your own sportsbook website with our online bookie tutorials. Our bookie tutorials are made from actual bookmakers that have successful sportsbook operations. They will teach you everything there is about becoming a successful bookie from opening a sportsbook to how to manage players and advertise your gambling website.

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Bookie Pay Per Head Service

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