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Golden State Warriors Trade Options

960x0 2Here at Bet Sports Online, we aim to cover the most exciting sports events, and give you news on pivotal changes on different sports teams across all sports leagues. Now, when we talk about the NBA right now, its all about the draft, and trades. Each team is doing what it can to try and get the best rosters that they can for the upcoming season. They will, have a tight window between trades, the draft, and the beginning of the season. So the considerations that teams may be making this time may be different.

Many pay per head bookies are looking at the Golden State Warriors, and what they plan to do. While Stephen Curry will be back, and will be great at leading the team, they will have to adjust to losing Klay Thompson for this season. This makes things tricky for the Warriors, as they will be needing to climb back up to the top this season.


Warriors Trade Options

One of the possible trades the team can make is to get Khris Middleton from the Milwaukee Bucks. This could be a good addition with their trade for Kelly Oubre Jr from the Oklahoma City Thunder. If the Warriors can make an attractive offer, the Bucks could possibly consider giving away Middleton to move their roster around. There are probably some sportsbook pay per head providers who have bookies adding wagers on trade possibilities like these.

But will the added flexibility help the Bucks, given that they were so easily defeated by Miami Heat last season? Of course, keeping Giannis Antetokounmpo would be one of their top priorities. They could also trade for a couple of players from the Warriors, get a 1st round pick, and a 2022 1st round pick as well. The Warriors, however, will need to make it more attractive for the Bucks to trade. But a lot of Warriors fans are wondering about the potential of Curry and Middleton playing on the same side.


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