Online gamblers want one thing, money! Gamblers want to gamble, and it doesn’t matter the environment in which they are gambling, it doesn’t matter the times or what may be happening in the world. COVID-19 came along in March and shut everything down, with one exception; the online gambling industry. Bookies are still doing well and in fact, they are doing better than ever and there is one reason for this… the pay per head industry.
The pay per head has set up the bookie in a way to be successful and it doesn’t matter the times. What matters is gamblers want to gamble and bookies must offer them something to gamble on.
Bookies: Integrity is the key to your success. If you are not paying your clients on time or when you promise to pay them, you will soon be bankrupt. This is a very simple concept that many seem to not believe in. You must believe in this and you must adhere to it if you care about earning a fantastic income. There is only one way to survive in an extremely competitive market; pay your winners.
- · Since the COVID shutdown, local bookies have been searching for answers and they have not found them. There is only one answer, the pay per head. We will pound this until the cows come home!
- · Why the pay per head? The PPH (as it’s better known) is a service for bookmakers that allows an immediate online presence with a custom-built gaming website. The PPH offers bookmaking software that is simply not found anywhere else. The PPH is the online gaming site, they are the sportsbook, the online casino, and the virtual racetrack. The PPH will give you all three gambling genera’s in one easy to use package.
- · The best news… The custom-built gaming website is FREE. The best per head websites are based in Costa Rica and they have a real “brick and mortar”. They are real companies with real people working for them. Many of the companies are still allowing their employees to work from home during the COVID shutdown, and in fact, many of these PPH providers are moving permanently in this direction.
- · The PPH providers are doing better than ever! Many thought that COVID would end the gambling industry. Listen, the gambling industry has been greatly crippled in Las Vegas. The entire state of Nevada has been crippled to the tune of 23% unemployment. What has happened to Vegas has been tragic indeed and they are slowly on the comeback, We don’t know how long it may take to recover, it could be a couple of years or more.
- · COVID has not shut down online gambling. What happened is this… Back in March when everything shut down, folks were forced to work from home. This meant they had all kinds of time they would not normally have had to gamble. One thing we know about gamblers – they will always find a way to gamble, and indeed they did.
- · Local Bookies have nothing to offer their gambling clients without sports. \We know this for a fact. What local bookies have had to do is jump online with their business and offer a Las Vegas-style casino, and a world-class racebook. Both of these gaming genera’s have kept the revenue flowing.
- · If you are not online, then get online today. You must be online if you want to earn big money and turn this mess of 2020 around. The online bookies are doing fantastic, there are many great things to bet on and you can offer a full-on virtual casino that features hundreds of games with live dealers, and a world-class racebook that offers more than 75-tracks from around North America and across the world.
If you care about credibility, then you must be an honest bookie. Find a management system that works and one that will help you find creative ways to pay your clients. Ask the best PPH provider how they can help. The PPH can have you operational in a day or two and you are the boss, even better, the cost is affordable at around $7-$13 per head, per active player. A one-time fee per week. Make the call and start earning big profits. Gamblers are still gambling.